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  • Currently in Seattle — September 18, 2023: Chance of morning showers

Currently in Seattle — September 18, 2023: Chance of morning showers

Plus, California is suing Big Oil.

The weather, currently.

Chance of showers in the morning.

How was your weekend? See some fall foliage? Rally to end fossil fuels? Rest up for the week ahead?

After that spectacular sunny weekend, the chance of misty morning showers on Monday sounds downright delightful. We’re still looking at mild, if slightly cooler fall weather. A high of 65 and overnight lows in the mid-50’s. We’ve entered the season of colder morning commutes, so pack your fleece and rain jacket!

What you need to know, currently.

The State of California filed a lawsuit on Friday against the five largest oil companies and their lobbyists, alleging that they deliberately misled the public to protect their profits — putting lives at risk and worsening extreme weather, creating billions of dollars of damage in the process.

"Oil and gas companies have privately known the truth for decades — that the burning of fossil fuels leads to climate change — but have fed us lies and mistruths to further their record-breaking profits at the expense of our environment. Enough is enough," said Rob Bonta, California's attorney general.

The lawsuit pits the largest US economy against the heart of the global fossil fuel system — and is analogous to the recent successful lawsuits against utility companies in California for their role in sparking deadly wildfires. This time, California is demanding the oil companies pay their share of damages to the state for their decades of lies.

Meanwhile, on Sunday, in the largest climate march since Covid, more than 75,000 people rallied in NYC explicitly to end the era of fossil fuels. The demands were clear: President Biden must declare a climate emergency and take immediate action to wind down fossil fuel production and use throughout the economy. And that work needs to be done with climate justice at its center.

Here’s AOC’s full speech at Sunday’s global climate march to end fossil fuels in NYC:

It’s happening, y’all.

What you can do, currently.

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