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  • Currently in Seattle — June 3, 2024: Riding out this atmospheric river

Currently in Seattle — June 3, 2024: Riding out this atmospheric river

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The weather, currently.

rain cloud illustration

Atmospheric river: Day 2

Welp. It’s definitely gonna be raining Monday. With the atmospheric river still flowing overhead, we could get up to an inch dropping on the Seattle area. (Quite a bit more is expected to the north and in the mountains from this weather system, and there’s a flood watch on through early Wednesday.)

So, plan to start your week soggy, if not particularly cold. It will be warm (high of 57, low of 46), and a bit gusty, especially mid-day. You’ll want to channel your inner duck for work and school commutes, and maybe pack an extra pair of socks. 

The good news? The extra moisture might help mitigate our upcoming fire season a little. 

What you can do, Currently

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