Currently in Seattle — June 20, 2024: Sun for the solstice

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The weather, currently.

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16 hours of daylight! High of 80.

Plan to enjoy the longest day of the year (sunrise 5:11 a.m., sunset 9:10 p.m.) with plenty of sunshine all day and clear skies in the evening. Temps will keep climbing, with a high around 80. Some strong breezes and overnight lows in the mid-50s should help keep things comfortable.

Planning to slip into the mountains with all that extra light? The weather is looking lovely in the Cascades and Olympics. Expect mostly sunshine and clear skies, with a chance of afternoon showers depending on where you are. 

What you can do, Currently

Currently Weather Service is back in action with some brand new membership perks — designed to help you support independent journalism and green your lifestyle at the same time.