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  • Currently in Seattle — July 3, 2024: Holiday weather looks ... good

Currently in Seattle — July 3, 2024: Holiday weather looks ... good

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The weather, currently.

Sunshine, clear nights and 70s

Whether you are staying in town or looking to travel, we’ve got clear weather in store for Wednesday, Thursday and into the weekend. Wednesday should start out partly sunny and then the clouds will disappear entirely for a high of 74. 

On Thursday, we’re looking at more sunshine, though temperatures will creep up to 79. Thursday night will stay clear, with a low of 58. (You should be fine in a fleece for any firework-watching plans.) The weekend looks sunny, but Seattle temperatures are expected to get well into the 80s.

In the mountains and on the coast, conditions should be a little cooler, but similarly clear. Safe travels, and be careful with those campfires!

What you can do, Currently

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