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  • Currently in Seattle — July 18, 2024: Cooler morning, sunny afternoon

Currently in Seattle — July 18, 2024: Cooler morning, sunny afternoon

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The weather, currently.

Cooler morning, high of 84

Who is longing for a bit of rain? All of us, I expect.

On Thursday, things should cool off a bit from Wednesday’s high, and an onshore wind should push a marine layer into town in the morning. The high will still climb into the 80’s, but there’s a chance that evening lows could drop into the 50’s in the Seattle metro area.

Trying to decide which way to turn for weekend plans? The coast and the mountains should both offer clear skies and some relief from the heat. If you’re considering heading to the mountains, maybe wait a day to see if Wednesday’s lightning strikes over the Cascades started any new fires.

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