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  • Currently in Seattle — August 30, 2024: Your weekend of sunshine awaits

Currently in Seattle — August 30, 2024: Your weekend of sunshine awaits

Plus, a special message from our Founder, Eric Holthaus

The weather, currently.

Your weekend of sunshine awaits

We’ll be signing off to summer in style: wearing sunglasses and shorts. 😎

Friday will warm up to a high of 78. With dry, clear skies and sunshine in the mix, that will bump up to 80 over the weekend, before cooling off slightly with partial clouds and a high of 75 on Labor Day.

If you are headed into the mountains or heading east, expect higher temperatures (86 at Snoqualmie Pass on Saturday). And you can revel in the warm weather knowing that the longer-range forecast, for now at least, has us moving into a colder and wetter fall and winter than average.

Soak it up as you say goodbye to summer.

Programming note:

Today’s issue will be the last for Currently Seattle until we can secure a more stable source of funding. Thank you so much to each of our readers and members for the opportunity to deliver local weather and climate news to you daily for the past 3 ½ years.

If you’d like to help brainstorm ways for keeping this newsletter running, please reach out to me personally, I’d love to chat: [email protected]

May you have good weather,

Eric Holthaus,

Founder, Currently Weather Service